I wish I had someone to dedicate these lyrics to.. It feels even worse that it makes me sad, though I can't fully associate them with anyone. I think this is the only thing my life really lacks of. I don't want passers-by anymore, my inner self is yelling for a never-ending friendship.
Trio de concerte cum n-a mai fost demult
Acum 3 zile
2 comentarii:
It's been wonderful and crazy knowing you
and I hope that I can always see the teenage girl in you
and I know that you'll be fine
but I'll be there every time
you need someone to complain to late at night...
Nu-ti pot spune ce-mi faci acum...cum ma gadili pe piept....ar fi perfect sa vorbesti serios....nu ..da...stiu...alt comment de la unul care nu-l stii si te lasa rece...just..try....incearca sa nu te lase asa rece...si daca te gandesti vreo secunda, ma gasesti usor..
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