De ce ne regasim in multe din spusele, ideile altora,in faptele lor, in citate, in imagini, in franturi de suflet ce apartin altei persoane? Mai suntem atat de unici, originali, speciali pe cat ne vroiam? Universul o fi infinit, dar noi i-am facut limite. Fiecare gand de-al nostru a fost mai devreme sau mai tarziu in capul altei persoane. *sigh* Suntem mult prea multi ce respira acelasi aer...
Simone de Beauvoir - She Came To Stay
" No, she could find nothing beyond this abstract regret of having nothing to regret"
" If she spoke of it, it would become a disquieting and gripping reality, instead of a fleeting mood. Thenceforth,he would have to bear it in mind, even when she herself attached no importance to it."
Iar din M.D. House :
" This is not easy, but it is simple "
" Being miserable doesn't make you better than others. It just makes you miserable."
Trio de concerte cum n-a mai fost demult
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